Spring into Summer – 2024 Pocasset Water Quality Coalition Newsletter

2024 PWQC Annual Meeting
10AM Saturday August 17, 2024
PHIA Building, 100 Circuit Avenue.
Spring is in full swing, summer isn’t far behind. We are looking forward to seeing more of everyone this summer.
We all know the new Title V update enforcement is not far away. Probably starting sometime in 2026. There are still variables that can change what we need to do and when we need to do it. Keep checking our email Newsletters and PocassetWaterQuality.org for updates.
One thing we can all do today is start managing our lawns with a more healthy approach. Our friends at the Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC) are leaders in educating everyone toward a healthy Cape Cod environment. In conjunction with APCC we have create somewhat of a tutorial to stop living like we are in suburbia and act like we live on beautiful fragile Cape Cod. Those who think peer pressure is only for teenagers, guess again. Keeping up with your neighbors to have a perfect lawn is the number 2 (TWO) cause of nitrogen and pesticide pollution of our salt water.
Storm water runoff takes harmful lawn treatments and washes them into salt water when it rains or even when we water our lawn. There is exciting news coming from the Town of Bourne about storm water runoff into Hen Cove. This will be discussed our our Annual Meeting on Saturday August 17, 2024.
PLEASE click the links below, read carefully, and start to move in a more environmentally friendly lawn direction.
A Cape Cod Lawn – PDF
When combining denitrification waste water treatment (I/A) with a beautiful Cape Cod lawn we will begin to “Leave Cape Cod a better place than we found it”!!!
Thank you to our friends at the Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC) for all their work & research. For the good of Cape Cod APCC shares their work so we can share it with you.
2024 PWQC Annual $20 dues can be paid thru the Donate tab one our website.
Or by snail mail to: PWQC PO Box 852 Pocasset, MA 02559
Thank you for your continued support,
PWQC Board of Directors