• (no title)
    Pocasset Water Quality Coalition Annual Meeting
  • Spring into Summer – 2024 Pocasset Water Quality Coalition Newsletter
    Spring is in full swing, summer isn’t far behind! Click here to check out our latest newsletter!
  • Exciting News for 2024!
    The Board of Directors is very excited about 2024. It will be the most productive year in our brief 4 year history. So much has happened since our Incorporation in December 2019. We now have over 300 email subscribers. The Town of Bourne is listening to what we have to say. We have a voice on the Bourne Wastewater Advisory Committee. The Pocasset Water Qualify Coalition (PWQC) has been recognized by many other like minded groups on and around Cape…

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  • Grant Awarded To Pocasset Water Quality Coalition For Rain Gardens
    The Pocasset Water Quality Coalition has been awarded a $37,655 grant through a program under the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Southeast New England Program (SNEP).

    Click here to learn more!
  • Annual Meeting 2023 Follow up
    Thank you to the over 120 people who attended the 2023 PWQC Annual Meeting. Special thanks to our speakers: State Senator Susan Moran, APCC Director Andrew Gottlieb and Bourne Select Board Chair Mary Jane “MJ” Mastrangelo. And to Sue Barlow & BourneTV for video taping the meeting. Also to CLF Board Chair Sara Molyneaux for attending and continuing to support our effort. It was very rewarding for the PWQC Board of Directors to receive so many positive comments after the…

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  • VERY Important News
    Important news regarding new Massachusetts Title V Regulations as reported by the Boston Globe. Reprinted by permission.
  • Bourne Accepts Gift Of Rain Gardens From Water Quality Coalition
    From July 9, 2023 Bourne Enterprise – Used with permission The Pocasset Water Quality Coalition has offered to install rain gardens as green infrastructure in the group’s ongoing efforts to assist in cleaning up the town’s waterways. The rain gardens would be constructed on town property and upon completion will be gifted to the town by the coalition. The offer to build on town property was approved by the Bourne Select Board during its meeting onTuesday, June 6. Coalition President…

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  • Pocasset Water Quality Coalition Annual Meeting + Important NEWS
    PWQC Annual Meeting Saturday AUGUST 19 @ 10AM PHIA Building 100 Circuit Avenue. Speakers and the agenda will be named and provided in future emails. The updated Massachusetts Department of Environmental Portections Title V regulations are due to be released by the end of June 2023. These regulations will apply to Cape Cod and possibly some south coast communities. These regulations will have a significant impact on all of us in Pocasset. PWQC will be continually updating everyone thru email and on…

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  • PWQC Joins Group of Cape Cod Nonprofits to Speak Out 
    The Pocasset Water Quality Coalition has collaborated with other Cape Cod groups concerned about our water. We have placed this ad in the January 29 Boston Sunday Globe (click link below to see our ad). This ad makes a statement to Massachusetts State Officials that the Department of Environmental Protection needs to update Title V septic regulations for Cape Cod Immediately!!! https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:af02e1d7-8ff9-347a-9fb7-bcb6c6c7eefc
  • Please help us in supporting the new Title V regulations!
    These regulations are the first update to Title V since the 1990s. Since the last update new innovative alternative (I/A) technology has been developed reducing the amount of nitrogen septic systems leave in the ground. Nitrogen reduction is the key to improving our water quality.

    Click here for more important information.
  • New Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Title V Regulations
    The proposed new DEP Title V regulations for Cape Cod need your help! These regulation changes are 20 to 30 years overdue. Nitrogen is ruining our saltwater! Click here to learn more!
  • PWQC T-Shirts On Sale Now!
    Just in time for the holidays!

    Click here to find out how to get yours today!
  • Pocasset Water Quality Coalition Annual Meeting 2022
    Click here to view this year’s meeting in its entirety!
    The Spring 2022 newsletter is now available! Click here to view it.
  • PWQC February 2022 Newsletter
    The February newsletter is here! Click here to view it.
  • PWQC Comments on the Canal Issue
    The Pocasset Water Quality Coalition Inc. (PWQC) is pleased for the opportunity to provide the following comments on the draft renewal permit for the NPDES discharge for the Massachusetts Military Academy (MMA) – NPDES permit number MA002-4368.
  • PWQC December 2021 Newsletter
    The December newsletter is hot off the presses! Click here to view it.
  • Chris Pine: Irrigation Systems and Watering Your Lawn
    Proper scheduling of irrigation systems can keep nutrients from lawn fertilizer from moving into our bays.
  • Fertilizer Facts: Healthy Lawns, Healthy Waterways
    What you need to know about Falmouth’s Nitrogen Control Bylaw for Fertilizer
  • PWQC October 2021 Newsletter
    September and October have been busy off-season months. We want to update everyone on developments to improve Pocasset’s water quality.
  • PWQC Annual Meeting Summary
    Monday August 16, 2021 We held the Annual Meeting for Pocasset Water Quality Coalition (PWQC) Saturday 8/14/21. An estimated 80+ people attended.  The Board of Directors spoke to update everyone on the Coalition’s progress. In a meeting with Town of Bourne officials on August 10, 2021, two different officials confirmed that the estimated 140 residents of the Hen Cove area made a major impact when we attended the Selectman’s meeting on September 3, 2019.  The result of this community response…

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  • Red Brook Harbor Water Report – Part I

    Hot off the presses! Click through to read the whole report

  • Bassett Island Cleanup – PWQC in action!
    Click through to see photos of the PWQ Board of Directors in action!
  • Bassett Island Cleanup – Saturday, May 8th!
    Volunteers needed for Bassett Island cleanup, May 8, 2021 | 8:30am ’til done
  • Hen Cove Restoration Project is Underway
  • Hen Cove Beach Restoration!
    Work begins week of March 29, 2021!

    Click here for more info…
  • Member Updates – Spring 2021
    Click here for updates on our progress and activities over the last six months
  • 5 Things that YOU can do to for Pocasset Water Quality
    Our local water quality is greatly impacted by the nitrogen loading coming from ground runoff.  Here are 5 easy things YOU can do to help: Reduce fertilizer use: Test your soil to see how much fertilizer you need. Limit fertilizer use to 1-2 times per year.  Try organic slow release water insoluble fertilizer in the fall.  Don’t fertilize on windy days or before a rainstorm.  Keep fertilizer off the pavement.  Avoid fertilizing close to the edge of the yard if…

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  • Invitation to join the coalition!
    Last September 3, more than 80 frustrated Pocasset residents jammed into a meeting before the selectmen at the Veterans Community Center in Buzzards Bay to demand action to address the increasing pollution in Hen Cove. Frank Gasson urged the Town to support a plan to remove the sand and mud dredged up from Hen Cove in 1960 and deposited on the wetlands between Hen Cove and Barlow’s Landing, stopping the flow of all seawater between the two bays. Frank said…

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  • Where Has All the Marshland Gone?
    This 1917 Mass Department of Commerce map shows the natural flow of water between Barlow’s Landing Harbor and Hen Cove.  These marshes and waterways enabled plant and marine life in Barlow’s Landing, Wing’s Neck inlet and Hen Cove to thrive for millennia. Before the 1880s, water flowed freely between the two bays.  In the mid-1880s, the Town constructed a dirt road and a wooden bridge to span the channels. This structure was replaced with a concrete bridge in the 1920s. …

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  • PWQC in the news!! Again!
    Please see wonderful article about PWQC and ongoing efforts to improve marine water quality in Pocasset by Michael Rausch in The Bourne Enterprise from 9 MAY 2020! (click the News tab for the link)
  • PWQC is 501(c)(3) exempt!
    The Department of the Treasury notified us that PWQC qualifies for exemption from Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) and that donors may deduct contributions to PWQC.
  • PWQC Incorporated!
    The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has approved PWQC, Inc. Articles of Organization.
  • 28-29 OCT 2019 Special – Bourne Special Town Meeting
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! With energetic support from a significant majority of those voting in the special town meeting, ARTICLE 2 from the warrant approved a $50,000 appropriation from the Community Preservation Fund for engineering evaluation of the water quality of Hen Cove, Barlows [sic] Landing, Patuisset Island Pond and Wings Neck Dam.